Coppice Primary

Planting the seeds of
growth and


Hello and welcome to the class page for Hedgehogs class, formerly known as Year 2.

Miss Jephson and Mrs Deverill are the class teachers in Hedgehogs class. We also have a dedicated team of teaching assistants working with children in our class at different times during the day.  Mrs Parker will be working in class every day.  Mrs Tullett and Miss Richards will also be supporting children in Hedgehogs class during the morning.

Class Teachers


Miss Jephson (Monday- Wednesday) and
Mrs Deverill (Wednesday-Friday)

Teaching Assistants

Mrs Parker Mrs Tullet
Miss Richards

 In a morning the gates will be open between 8.35am and 8.40am.  Please say goodbye to your children on the playground and they will  walk around to enter the classroom via the cloakroom.  Parents are not allowed to accompany them from the playground.

This term’s topic;

This is Me!

Autumn 2 Homework Tasks

This is Me Knowledge Organiser



 PE this term is on a Monday and a Friday.  Please wear your PE uniform on these days and ensure that earrings are removed. 

Week 1

What Makes Me,Me?  


We will begin by looking at ourselves and drawing self portraits, using sketching pencils and chalks. Our work will then be displayed on our topic display board in the classroom.


 Week 2

What do we mean by diversity? What is equality? Who is Rosa Parks? Why is she an important figure in History?  


We will discuss how everyone is different and in what ways people are different to each other. We will learn about what equality and diversity mean. We will also discuss the importance of treating everybody equally and we will learn about how Rosa Parks stood up to racism. 

Week 3

What makes people heroes? Who are our everyday heroes?


We will begin our work on nurturing nurses this week by looking at nurses today and how they help others in their jobs. We will have an opportunity to ask questions to a nurse and learn all about their role and how they are an everyday super hero! 

 Week 4

Who was Florence Nightingale? Why was she a heroine?


This week we will learn about the famous nurse Florence Nightingale. We will find out about her life and how she helped changed nursing for the better and the improvements she made that we still see today in hospitals.

Week 5

Who was Mary Seacole? Why is she famous?


 We will continue looking at famous nurses and this week we will focus on the life of Mary Seacole. We will learn about how she helped soldiers in the Crimean War and how she overcame racism to achieve her ambitions of helping to care for others.

Week 6

Who was Edith Cavell? Why was she a famous nurturing nurse?


We will finally look at the nurse Edith Cavell. We will learn about her work as a nurse in World War One helping soldiers and how helping others she put her own life at risk. We will compare how she is similar and different to the other nurturing nurses that we have learnt about too.


Week 7

What are the similarities and differences between Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Cavell?


We will finish the topic by comparing all three nurses that we have learnt about over the last few weeks. We will describe the work and personalities of the nurses, as well as completing true or false activities on them.



 This half term we will be be doing design technology and our focus will be on sewing.  By the end of the term we will have designed, made and evaluated our own Christmas tree baubles.  We will learn how to thread a needle and sew running stitch and overstitch to join materials together.




 Our Science work for this half term focuses on animals including humans.  We will be continuing our learning about the basic needs of animals for survival and the importance of exercise and nutrition for humans.  This half term will focus on hygiene, medicines, healthy eating and revisiting everything we have learnt since September.


Image result for pshe

This half term we will be looking at a unit of work on Drug Education. We will focus on medicines and how they should be used and stored correctly. We will also look at how medicines can help prevent diseases, as well as being used to treat illness so that we can get better.



We will use Purple Mash to look at art. We will use the program 2 Paint a Picture and will will create different styles of art work including impressionism, surrealism, pointillism and neoplasticism. We will use our ICT skills to finish this unit work by creating a Christmas Card.



 This half term we will be looking at the Christmas story. We will learn about the story of how and where Jesus was born. We will write about this story and explain why christians believe this is special time of year. We will also visit the local church to learn how Christians celebrate Christmas.


 This term we will do karate on a Monday and handball on a Friday with Mrs Deverill.


Don't forget to come to school in your PE uniform on these days! 



We will be reading 'Elmer' and using talk for writing strategies to learn part of the story and write it in our words.  Following this we will be doing some special writing based around a piece of music - this will be for our writing journey books.  We will be reading Vlad and the Florence Nightingale adventure and our written work will focus on gathering ideas and organising them to write non-chronological reports about the nurses we have learnt about.  Finally we will study the poem 'The Night before Christmas'.

Our grammar work for this half term will focus on the past and present tense, different types of sentences, using commas in a list and expanded noun phrases. 


Phonics - Sound and District Primary School


  We will teach phonics to the whole class together.  Some children will work in a separate small group to receive precision teaching and catch up teaching.  We will deliver same day intervention catch up sessions for children who require this.

We are now working on level 6 phonics

Below we will attach parent information sheets which will explain the learning for each week in phonics so you can support your child at home.

Autumn 2 week 1

Autumn 2 week 2

Autumn 2 week 3

Autumn 2 week 4

Autumn 2 week 5

Autumn 2 week 6




Reading Cartoon clipart - Reading, School, Education, transparent clip art


 In school we will listen to your child read their reading book at least once every week, please make sure that it is in school every day.  Please support your child with reading by listening to them read regularly at home.  Just a couple of pages every day makes a huge difference to their confidence.  Remember to record on the Go read app or Boom reader website every time you hear your child read as these signatures will move your child around our 'Readopoly' board.  Reading is the most important piece of homework you can do with your child at this age as reading is the key that unlocks all other areas of learning.  To be successful writers, children first have to be confident and successful readers so your support is invaluable.

Click here to read our literacy 'Always skills' for Year 2. These are what we expect in every piece of writing from children working within year 2 expectations.

Help at Home

You can help your child at home by:

  • Practising common exception words - reading and spelling.

  • Talk about what they are learning in class that week.

  • Encourage your child to read out any writing they complete at home to check it makes sense.

  • Read with your child at least 3 times a week.



In Maths the objectives we will looking at this half term are:

* Recognise the place value of each digit in a two-digit number (tens, ones).

* Count in steps of 2, 3 and 5 from 0, and in tens from any number forward and backward.

* Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables, including recognising odd and even numbers.

* Calculate mathematical statements for multiplication and division within the multiplication tables and write them using the multiplication, division and equals signs.

* Read and write numbers to at least 100 in numerals and words.

* Recall and use addition and subtraction facts to 20 fluently, and derive and use related facts up to 100.

* show that addition of two numbers can be done in any order (commutative) and subtraction of one number from another cannot.

* Recognise and use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction and use this to check calculations and solve missing number problems.

* Use concrete objects and pictorial representations, including those involving numbers, quantities and measures.

* Add and subtract numbers using concrete objects, pictorial representations, and mentally including:

- a 2 digit number and ones

- a 2 digit number and tens.

* Solve simple problems in a practical context involving addition and subtraction of money of the same unit, including giving change.

* Identify and describe the properties of 2D shapes, including the number of sides.

* Compare and sort common 2D shapes.


Help at Home

  • Talking about the learning they have done in  class.

  • Practising counting in 2's, 5's and 10's and learn them as times tables

  • Practise recalling addition and number facts to 20.

  • Encouraging your child to count - add money, count out objects, calculate how many will be left, estimate how many there are etc...

  • Practise telling the time.

Click here to read our maths non-negotiables for year 2

Image result for clip art children reading


Learning Log Challenges  will be given out at the beginning of term and the children can select which activities they would like to do to make a given total of points! These activities need to be returned to school by the end of the term!

Autumn 2 Homework

Year 2 expectations

Coppice Values

Each week we have a new value – 12 in total.  The children will have an assembly Monday morning about how to show and give respect to others both in school and at home!  We will be expecting this to be demonstrated to all members of our Coppice community,  it is important that even when we move onto a new value, the old one isn’t lost.


Children can achieve their bronze, silver and gold awards for the core values awards throughout the year for each core value. We will of course keep you informed about how your child is getting on with this throughout the year.


Each week Mrs Seaton will send out a Newsletter that will reflect the value we are working on so that it can also be supported at home.  We look forward to seeing our children bright and early ready to embrace the new weekly challenges!

 Diary Dates

Monday  4th November - INSET day

Tuesday 5th November - school reopens for children

Thursday 7th November- Individual School Photographs

Tuesday 12th November- Stay and Learn Phonics all week in Hedgehog class.

Thursday 12th December- Year 2 to visit the local church for their RE work on the Christmas story.

Monday 16th December- Whole School Panto

After school Christmas Disco 3.30pm-4.30pm EYFS and KS1

Tuesday 17th December- KS1 Christmas Concert at 9am

Thursday 19th December- Christmas Dinner Day

Friday 20th December- Christmas Party Day and last day of term

Monday 23rd December- First Day of the Christmas Holidays.

Monday 6th January- First Day back at school



We want your children to be happy and enjoy coming to school and learning.  If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to speak to any of us so that we can help. Alternatively you can email using the following email addresses.