and Woodpeckers' Class Page!
Welcome to Year 5!
Meet the Staff!
Miss I Burgon - Year Five class teacher
Mrs A Golding - Teaching Assistant
Please note that our PE days for this half term is Tuesday Remember to come to school already changed into your PE kit on your PE days. Swimming will begin on Tuesday 14th, don't forget to bring your swimming kit with you to school on that day! Other swimming days are: 21st and 28th January and 4th and 11t February.
Our Topic this Term is Space
Week 1: Describe Earth as a spherical body
Week 2. What were the history of events leading to space exploration?
Week 3. What are significant dates in modern space exploration history and what is next?
Week 4. Who were some influential astronomers?
Week 5. Why was Neil Armstrong so influential?
Week 6. What are the risks and challenges of travelling to space?
Homework: A homework sheet will be given out at the start of term. One piece per week to be completed until the end of term.
In Literacy, the children will read a range of texts based around our Industrial Revolution topic
The first text that we will be studying is Work It, Girl: Mae Jemison: Blast Off Into Space. This text looks at the young Mae Jemison was fascinated by space from an early age; growing up in the 60s, she was a child when astronauts landed on the moon and, as she watched Neil Armstrong and his crew, she wondered what aliens would think if they met those humans: they’d never know that all humans weren’t white men. This inspiring, wonderful life story is a perfect one to inspire girls aged about 8-10, and the Work It, Girl series is wonderful - attractively designed, it feels cool and not babyish, and manages to explain big concepts such as institutional racism in accessible language.
It’s one giant leap for all boy-kind in out second class text written Frank Cottrell Boyce’s: Cosmic. Liam is too big for his boots. And his football strip. And his school blazer. But being super-sized height-wise has its advantages: he’s the only eleven-year-old to ever ride the G-force-defying Cosmic rollercoaster – or to be offered the chance to drive a Porsche. Long-legged Liam makes a giant leap for boy-kind by competing with a group of adults for the chance to go into space. Is Liam the best boy for the job? Sometimes being big isn’t all about being a grown-up.
This novel tells the story of Liam, an incredibly tall twelve-year-old who attempts to pass as an adult in order to accompany his friend Florida on a trip to space that she won in a competition. It has been likened to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in a space setting, and contains discussion questions and bonus material for use in class.
We will use the texts to develop our reading and writing skills.
We are covering the following skills in Numeracy this term:
Multiplication and division Multiply up to a 4-digit number by a 1-digit number Multiply a 2-digit number by a 2-digit number (area model) Multiply a 2-digit number by a 2-digit number Multiply a 3-digit number by a 2-digit number Multiply a 4-digit number by a 2-digit number Solve problems with multiplication Short division Divide a 4-digit number by a 1-digit number Divide with remainders Efficient division Solve problems with multiplication and division
It is ESSENTIAL that your child fluently knows their times tables both division facts and multiplication and have quick recall on these. This is ongoing homework for them and is vital to their progress this year - they should have their x tables rockstars password and every Friday whoever is the highest in their challenge group will be rewarded and they will be celebrated in class. If you do not have it then please email me.
We are very excited to be starting work on our new values system when we come back in school in January. Each week we have a new value – 12 in total. Our first value will be Respect. The children will have an assembly Monday morning about how to show and give respect to others both in school and at home! We will be expecting this to be demonstrated to all members of our Coppice community, it is important that even when we move onto a new value, the old one isn’t lost.
Our new core values will now form the basis of our ambassador passports (these have now been renamed – core value passports and the children can achieve their bronze, silver and gold awards throughout the year for each core value. We will of course keep you informed about how your child is getting on with this throughout the year.
Each week Mrs Seaton will sent out a Newsletter that will reflect the value we are working on so that it can also be supported at home. We look forward to seeing our children bright and early ready to embrace the new weekly challenges!
Reading as much as possible will really help your child’s progress at school. For their learning passport they must have read three times a week all term. It is very important that they understand what they are reading a few minutes spent asking questions about what has been read helps children to develop comprehension skills which are vital to their education. We also have a competition running in school each week. The number of times each child in the class each week is added up and the class that has read the most receives a prize in our Star Assembly on a Friday morning.
Key Dates
6th January – Back to school
11th February – Internet Safety day
13th February – Young Voices concert in Sheffield
14th February – Last day of term