Coppice Primary

Planting the seeds of
growth and

Performance data & Key Stage 2 results

Key Stage 2 Assessment Results 2024


Percentage achieving 'Expected' or better Percentage achieving 'Greater Depth'
Coppice National Coppice  National
Reading 97% 74% 37% 28%
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 87% 72% 33% 32%
Mathematics 93% 73% 37% 24%
Writing - Teacher Assessment 77% 72% 12% 13%
Combined Reading, writing and mathematics 77% 61% 10% 8%


Key Stage 2 Assessment Results 2023

 Please find below our Year 6 data for the end of key stage 2 SATs .  We are very proud of what our children achieved throughout their time with us at school.


Percentage achieving Expected or better

Percentage achieving Greater Depth
Coppice National 2023



Coppice National
Reading 74% 73% 74% 21% 28%
Grammar, punctuation and spelling 71% 72% 72% 26% 28%
Mathematics 82% 73% 71% 24% 22%
Teacher Assessments
Writing 74% 71% 69% 8% 13%
Science 88% 80% 79%
combined Reading, writing and mathematics 68% 59% 59% 9% 7%