Coppice Primary

Planting the seeds of
growth and

Primary Sports Funding

The link below explains how the school uses Primary Sports funding to support the physical development of children and enhance the skills of our teachers.

At Coppice we benefit from the expertise of a number of Sports Coaches. RS Coaching spends two afternoons working with the children from Reception to Year 6, whilst The Burnett twins from the academy spend one afternoon each week teaching Karate. Our Teachers are able to work with and observe the Sports Coaches in order to develop their own expertise.  We have other sports coaches working with us throughout the year such as Derbyshire County Cricket and Derby County Football.

We also work with the Amber Valley Partnership. They offer both training and competitions. During this year we have trained a group of Y5 and Y6 pupils to be mini leaders. They have become our 'Playground Pals' and lead a range of games at lunchtimes.

We also regularly take part in sporting competitions. This year we won the Year3/4 Gymnastics Competition and have done very well in a number of other competitions including Cross Country, Handball and Dodgeball.

The winning Gymnastics team.


Jobie who was 2nd of over 70 runners in the Cross Country competition!

We take Year 5 swimming during the year, with 30 lessons they are soon able to swim if they have not done so before or further their expertise if they are already competent swimmers.

Other benefits of the sports premium last year were:  the fitting of a new climbing wall,  the provision of forests schools for a number of classes and the ever popular well-being week where all children in school try a range of new sporting and leisure activities with a view to community participation and improving well-being.

Sports Funding 2023 to 2024 reviewed