Coppice Primary

Planting the seeds of
growth and


Printable Reading Poster Welcome Library School Sign image 1


Reading with your child at home is one of the most important things you can do to support your child's learning.  We ask that children read to an adult at home at least three times per week, more if you are able to.  Children only need to read a few pages to you, there is no expectation that the whole book will be read every day.  When you do listen to your child read, please make a note in their reading diary as this will help them to move on the class reading chart and also count towards a whole school competition.

In Reception to begin with your child will bring home a book without words.  Please help them to learn how to handle a book, hold it the correct way round, turn the pages, discuss the pictures, make up stories.  Once they have been taught the first set of phonemes in phonics, your child will bring home a reading book with words containing these sounds.  

Throughout Reception and Year 1 children's reading books will be closely matched to their phonic knowledge in order for them to be able to sound words out and read independently.  We expect that children will re-read books to aid confidence, fluency and comprehension.

At some point in Year 1 or Year 2, your child will finish reading the phonically decodable books and will read real books.

Reading is not just about reading the words on the page, it is also about understanding, comprehending what has been read.  It is therefore important to ask your child questions about what they have read and discuss any new vocabulary with them.

Finally - please be a good role model for your child, allow them to see you reading - books, newspapers, magazines.  Take them to the library to borrow books that they are interested in.  Have fun with reading.

Questions to ask your child when you listen to them read

Year 1 reading questions bookmark

Year 2 reading questions bookmark

Year 3 reading questions bookmark

Year 4 reading questions bookmark

Year 5 reading questions bookmark

Year 6 reading questions bookmark