Coppice Primary

Planting the seeds of
growth and

Science Curriculum at Coppice



Science is a spark of wonder that ignites curiosity that takes us on a journey of discovery.

At Coppice we believe in child centred learning and seek to teach Science in a fun and stimulating way. We promote and nurture curiosity and wonder. Children are encouraged to generate their own questions and to make mistakes on the path to discovery. 


Teachers plan lessons using the objectives from the Early Learning Goals and Curriculum 2014 Science Curriculum. Wherever possible teachers will plan science lessons and activities that link to the topics the children study.   Teachers will also make links to other subjects such as maths, literacy and PE to help the children make greater progress.  Opportunities for science teaching and learning occur every day, and at Coppice we encourage and embrace scientific thinking and questioning throughout the curriculum. 

Throughout our science lessons the scheme Hamilton Trust, key vocabulary word mats and Bloom's Taxonomy.



Please click here for the vocabulary mats Year 1 to Year 6

Please click here to view the Science Policy

Please click here to view the Science Action Plan


Monitoring of science teaching is carried out through a program of lesson planning, book scrutinises and regular assessment. This is to ensure science is taught well across the school Assessment is completed every half term through assessment booklets from Year 1 to Year 6.  This helps us to monitor the children who are exceeding, expected and working towards the science objectives and helps us identify who may need more support in science lessons. Pictures are taken during our science lessons of the children completing investigations and exploring the wider World. These photos are then stuck into our science floor books that show progression throughout the year.  A selection of children are chosen for pupil voice, where they discuss what they like about science and how science across school can be improved. 


In Early Years, science in slightly different, the children access the specific area of the EYFS framework Understanding the World - The Natural World. The children explore natural materials and notice similarities and differences between them, explore the growth of plants and animals and learn what lives underwater!

Science is implemented by:
Books and stories
Hands on real experiences
Continuous provision (mud kitchen, water, sand area)


Year 1

The children will learn all about:

Animals including Humans
Animals including Humans - Ourselves
Everyday materials
Seasonal changes

Please click here to view the science objectives for Year 1

Year 2

In Year 2, the children will learn all about:

Animals including Humans - healthy animals
Everyday materials

Please click here to view the science objectives for Year 2

Year 3

The children will learn all about:

Animals including humans - keeping healthy
Forces and Magnets
Rocks and Fossils
Plants, including pollination and seed dispersal

Please click here to view the Year 3 science objectives

Year 4

The children will learn all about:

Name the living thing through classification
Helping our habitat
States of matter

Please click here to view the Year 4 science objectives


Year 5

The children will learn all about:

Life cycles
Changing materials
Forces and gravity
Animals including Humans and the changes we go through until old age

Please click here to view the Year 5 science objectives

Year 6

The children will be learning all about:

Evolution and Inheritance
Living things and there habitats - classification and connoisseurs
Animals and Humans - circulatory system

Please click here to view the Year 6 science objectives

 Visit from Heanor Gate Science College

Last Year we had the amazing opportunity to have two Science teachers from Heanor Gate come and visit! The children really enjoyed completing practical investigation to see if different foods contained protein, carbohydrates and calcium. It was great to see so much enthusiasm for science!


Science Week!

Last year we were thrilled to invite Sublime Science to Coppice for our Science Week! The children loved completing the different activities and learned a lot about forces, states of matter and our changing climate. We can't wait for the next one!